Quality management and quality assurance:
rigorous, measurable and comprehensive

Topmost priority is attached to the quality of our translations, which is assured by an end-to-end quality system comprising strict checkscomprising strict checksChecks: proofreading, linguistic and extra-linguistic checking and final review, covering terminology, consistency, variants, completeness, figures, spellcheck, typography, formatting, etc. Tools with interfaces for user-defined and client-specific checks and controls (proofreading, linguistic and extra-linguistic checking and final review) and research.

Quality assurance in compliance with the DIN EN ISO 17100 standard is strictly based on the ‘four eyes’ principle and involves the application of QA systems and proofing tools. The DIN EN ISO 17100 standard specifies the requirements to be met in all aspects of the translation process that affect the quality and provision of translation services and is considered the industry standard for translation service providers.

Quality assurance



The translator checks his/her own translation



Proofreading by a second proofreader (four-eyes principle)

Technical review (optional)

Technical review (optional)

The target language content is separately checked by a specialized reviewer for its suitability for the intended purpose.

Inspection (optional)

Inspection (optional)

Editing by a reviewer who compares the target language content with the content in the source language

Then feel free to get in touch. We’ll be happy to discuss your needs and requirements.

LanguageData GmbH
Professional translation management

D-53115 Bonn, Haydnstr. 1

Fon +49 228 925 8121
Fax +49 228 925 8122
eMail info@language-data.de